Multrees WebAPI API documentation version 1.2{subfi}/{fi}
The Multrees Web API provides secure, programmatic access into the core elements of Multrees' services and data. Version 1 focusses on exposing out 'GET' functionality for integration into Digital and Reporting Tools. Version 2 will focus on POST/PUT for integration into CRM and platform technologies. Version 3 will integrate Corporate Action notifications and elections.
- subfi: (string)
An optional parameter to define an area within the Financial Institution.
- fi: required(string)
The Financial Institution's short-code, supplied by Multrees.
Asset Allocations
The Asset Allocations for a specified entity.
Retrieve all asset allocations for the specified entity. Allocations are returned in client base currency, USD, GBP, EUR and percentage weightings.
get /AssetAllocation
Retrieve all asset allocations for the specified entity. Allocations are returned in client base currency, USD, GBP, EUR and percentage weightings.
Query Parameters
- LEVEL: required(one of ACCOUNT, GROUP, CUSTOMER)
Defines which level the request is being made at.
- filter: required(string)
The ID of the entity you are looking for.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of AssetAllocation
Items: Asset Allocation
- extractDate: required(datetime)
The day the data was last updated. Normally this will be close of business of the previous day.
- EntityType: required(string)
The type of entity returned (ACCOUNT, GROUP or CUSTOMER)
- EntityId: required(string)
The ID of the entity
- EntityName: required(string)
The name of the entity that has been returned (e.g. account name, client name or group name).
- classification1: required(string)
The name of the Classification.
- baseCurrency: required(string)
The base reporting currency of entity.
- marketValueBase: required(number)
The market value in base currency
- marketValueGBP: required(number)
The market value in GBP
- marketValueEUR: required(number)
The market value in EUR
- marketValueUSD: required(number)
The market value in USD
- weighting: required(number)
The weighting of asset from over all call.
- order: required(integer)
The sort order used in client reporting based of the classification.
"extractDate": "2019-02-25T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith",
"classification1": "Fixed Income",
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"marketValueBase": 880620.027147,
"marketValueGBP": 880620.027147,
"marketValueEUR": 1026243.757937,
"marketValueUSD": 1166733.473967,
"weighting": 12.012057159573683,
"order": 1
"extractDate": "2019-02-25T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith",
"classification1": "Cash",
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"marketValueBase": 586366.738077,
"marketValueGBP": 586366.738077,
"marketValueEUR": 683331.273719,
"marketValueUSD": 776877.291278,
"weighting": 7.9983086429147754,
"order": 3
Returns all possible values for the classification
Retrieve all categories in a classification
get /AssetAllocation/Classifications
Retrieve all categories in a classification
Query Parameters
- ClassificationType: required(string)
The name of classification.
Asset Type
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of Classification
Items: Classification
- ClassificationType: required(string)
The type of classification
- ClassificationLabel: required(string)
The name of classification
- ClassificationValue: required(string)
The Multrees platform ID for that classification
"ClassificationType": "Asset Type",
"ClassificationLabel": "Cash",
"ClassificationValue": "ABC_CASH"
"ClassificationType": "Asset Type",
"ClassificationLabel": "Commodities",
"ClassificationValue": "ABC_COMMOD"
Assets Under Management
The total value assets under a specified entity.
Retrieves the total assets under management for the specified entity. Values are returned in client base currency, USD, GBP, EUR and percentage weightings.
get /AUM
Retrieves the total assets under management for the specified entity. Values are returned in client base currency, USD, GBP, EUR and percentage weightings.
Query Parameters
- LEVEL: required(one of ACCOUNT, GROUP, CUSTOMER)
Defines which level the request is being made at
- filter: required(string)
The ID of the entity you are looking for.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of AUM
Items: Assets Under Management
- ExtractDate: required(datetime)
The day the data was last updated. Normally this will be close of business of the previous day.
- EntityType: required(string)
The type of entity returned (ACCOUNT, GROUP or CUSTOMER).
- EntityId: required(string)
The Id of the entity returned.
- EntityName: required(string)
The name of the entity returned.
- BaseCurrency: required(string)
The base reporting currency of entity.
- BookCostBase: required(number)
The Bookcost in base currency.
- BookCostGBP: required(number)
The Bookcost in GBP.
- BookCostEUR: required(number)
The Bookcost in EUR.
- BookCostUSD: required(number)
The Bookcost in USD.
- MarketValueBase: required(number)
The Market Value in base currency.
- MarketValueGBP: required(number)
The Market Value in GBP.
- MarketValueEUR: required(number)
The Market Value in EUR.
- MarketValueUSD: required(number)
The Market Value in USD.
"ExtractDate": "2019-02-25T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "The Paul Smith Trust",
"BaseCurrency": "GBP",
"BookCostBase": 6638633.98,
"BookCostGBP": 6638633.98,
"BookCostEUR": 7736431.6881027,
"BookCostUSD": 8795526.160102,
"MarketValueBase": 224118102.96866599,
"MarketValueGBP": 224118102.96866599,
"MarketValueEUR": 261179393.06607944,
"MarketValueUSD": 296934074.62318563
All calls relating to cash accounts
Search for cash accounts by name
Search for cash accounts by name
get /Cash/Accounts
Search for cash accounts by name
Query Parameters
- searchTerm: required(string)
Search the account name for this text.
Paul Smith
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of CashAccount
Items: Cash Account
- accountId: required(integer)
The cash account's internal Id
- accountNumber: required(string)
The cash account's number.
- accountName: required(string)
The display name given to the account
- accountCurrency: required(string)
The Cash Account's currency
- accountStatus: required(string)
The status of the account
"accountId": 185046,
"accountNumber": "1185046",
"accountName": Paul Smith - ADV CAP",
"accountCurrency": "EUR",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
"accountId": 193461,
"accountNumber": "1193461",
"accountName": "Paul Smith - ADV INC",
"accountCurrency": "USD",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
Search for a single cash account by its Id.
Retrieve a single cash account
get /Cash/Accounts/{id}
Retrieve a single cash account
URI Parameters
- id: required(integer)
The cash account ID you are trying to retrieve
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of CashAccount
Items: Cash Account
- accountId: required(integer)
The cash account's internal Id
- accountNumber: required(string)
The cash account's number.
- accountName: required(string)
The display name given to the account
- accountCurrency: required(string)
The Cash Account's currency
- accountStatus: required(string)
The status of the account
"accountId": 12345,
"accountNumber": "1012345",
"accountName": "Paul Smith GBP Income account",
"accountCurrency": "GBP",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
Collection of all cash transactions linked to an entity. Defaults to 30 days worth of transactions without from and to parameters populated. To and From dates are inclusive.
Retrieve all cash transactions
get /Cash/Transactions
Retrieve all cash transactions
Query Parameters
- LEVEL: required(one of ACCOUNT, GROUP, CUSTOMER)
Defines which level the request is being made at
- filter: required(integer)
The ID of the entity you are looking for
- from: (datetime)
Optionally pass the start date
- to: (datetime)
Optionally pass the end date
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of CashTransaction
Items: Cash Transactions
- entityType: required(string)
The type of parent entity searched for.
- entityId: required(string)
The ID of the entity you searched for.
- entityName: required(string)
The name of the parent entity.
- investmentAccountNumber: required(string)
The parent Investment Account number that the cash transaction is linked to.
- investmentAccountName: required(string)
Name of the parent Investment Account the cash transaction is linked to
- cashAccountName: required(string)
Name of the Cash Account.
- cashAccountNumber: required(string)
The Cash Account Number.
- cashAccountType: required(string)
The type of the account (e.g. Income\Capital).
- transactionId: required(integer)
Unique Transaction ID
- valueDate: required(datetime)
Value Date of transaction
- postedDate: required(datetime)
Posted Date of the cash transaction
- transactionType: required(string)
Transaction type
- creditDebit: required(string)
Direction of transaction
- transactionCurrency: required(string)
Currency of the transaction
- transactionAmount: required(number)
Value of the transaction in transaction currency.
- cashTransactionStatus: required(string)
Status of transaction
- transactionDescription: required(string)
Narrative of the transaction
- quantity: required(number)
Nominal of the related investment transaction
- settledQuantity: required(number)
The settled nominal of the related investment transaction
- expectedSettlementDate: required(datetime)
The expected settlement date of the related investment transaction
- investmentTransactionStatus: required(union of nil or string)
Status of the related investment transaction
- transDate: required(datetime)
Trade date of the related investment transaction
"entityType": "CUSTOMER",
"entityId": "123456",
"entityName": "Smith, Paul",
"investmentAccountNumber": "1012345",
"investmentAccountName": "Paul Smith Trust",
"cashAccountName": "Paul Smith GBP INC",
"cashAccountNumber": "104568",
"cashAccountType": "Income",
"transactionId": 5472829,
"valueDate": "2018-12-20T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"postedDate": "2018-12-20T10:39:52.0000000+00:00",
"transactionType": "Corporate Action Income",
"creditDebit": "CREDIT",
"transactionCurrency": "GBP",
"transactionAmount": 443.44,
"cashTransactionStatus": "Posted",
"transactionDescription": "Cash dividend - LEGG MASON GLOBAL FUNDS WESTN ASSET MACRO OPPS BD HGD PREM INC",
"quantity": 0,
"settledQuantity": 0,
"expectedSettlementDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"investmentTransactionStatus": null,
"transDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00"
"entityType": "CUSTOMER",
"entityId": "123456",
"entityName": "Smith, Paul",
"investmentAccountNumber": "1012345",
"investmentAccountName": "Paul Smith Trust",
"cashAccountName": "Paul Smith GBP CAP",
"cashAccountNumber": "1015019",
"cashAccountType": "Capital",
"transactionId": 5591916,
"valueDate": "2019-02-05T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"postedDate": "2019-02-05T09:38:56.0000000+00:00",
"transactionType": "Trade",
"creditDebit": "CREDIT",
"transactionCurrency": "GBP",
"transactionAmount": 110812.27,
"cashTransactionStatus": "Posted",
"transactionDescription": "Sell 943.324 INVESCO MANAGEMENT SA ZODIAC US SENIOR LOAN GH GBP",
"quantity": 943.324,
"settledQuantity": 943.324,
"expectedSettlementDate": "2019-02-05T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"investmentTransactionStatus": "Settled",
"transDate": "2019-01-29T00:00:00.0000000+00:00"
The details of a client
Retrieve the properties of a client
get /Client
Retrieve the properties of a client
Query Parameters
- searchTerm: required(string)
Text to search for in the client's name
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of Client
Items: The properties of a client
- customerId: required(integer)
Multrees' internal customer Id
- customerName: required(string)
Name of the customer
- customerRef: required(string)
The customer reference number.
- customerDomicile: required(string)
The customer's country of domicile
- customerBaseCurrency: required(string)
The customer's base reporting currency
- customerStatus: required(string)
The status of the customer (e.g. Proven, Closed)
"customerId": 12345,
"customerName": "Smith, Paul",
"customerRef": "ABC12345",
"customerDomicile": "GB",
"customerBaseCurrency": "GBP",
"customerStatus": "PROVEN"
"customerId": 95106,
"customerName": "Smith, John",
"customerRef": "ABC1000",
"customerDomicile": "GB",
"customerBaseCurrency": "GBP",
"customerStatus": "PROVEN"
All calls relating to reporting groups
Get the details of groups based on a comma separated list of group ids
get /Groups/GroupDetails
Query Parameters
- groupList: required(string)
Comma separated list of group ids.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of GroupDetail
Items: Group Details
- groupId: required(integer)
The group Id
- groupName: required(string)
The name of the group
- groupDescription: required(string)
The group's description
- groupType: required(string)
The group type (e.g. client or portfolio)
"groupId": 126966,
"groupName": "John Smith ISA",
"groupDescription": "Pack ID 7937 - Portfolio Pack",
"groupType": "CLIENT"
"groupId": 130748,
"groupName": "Smith Trust - Satellite",
"groupDescription": "For consolidated portfolio pack",
"groupType": "PORTFOLIO"
The holdings for a specified entity. This shows a traded market value as at close of business yesterday.
Retrieve all holdings for a specified entity. This shows a traded dirty market value as at close of business yesterday.
get /Holdings
Retrieve all holdings for a specified entity. This shows a traded dirty market value as at close of business yesterday.
Query Parameters
- LEVEL: required(one of ACCOUNT, GROUP, CUSTOMER)
Defines which level the request is being made at
- filter: required(string)
The Id of the entity being search for.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of Holding
Items: Holding
- extractDate: required(datetime)
The day the data was last updated. Normally this will be close of business of the previous day.
- EntityType: required(string)
The type of entity searched for.
- EntityId: required(string)
The ID of the entity searched for.
- EntityName: required(string)
The name of the entity searched for.
- baseCurrency: required(string)
Base currency of the holding
- accountNumber: required(string)
Account Number
- accountName: required(string)
Account Name
- accountType: required(string)
Account Type
- securityId: required(integer)
The security's unique identifier
- securityName: required(string)
Name of security
- securityCCY: required(string)
The local price currency of the security
- ISIN: required(string)
The Security's ISIN
- SEDOL: required(string)
The Security's SEDOL
- quantity: required(number)
The traded nominal of the position
- bookCostBase: required(number)
Book cost of security in base currency
- bookCostGBP: required(number)
Book cost of security in GBP
- bookCostEUR: required(number)
Book cost of security in EUR
- bookCostUSD: required(number)
Book cost of security in USD
- bookCostSec: required(number)
Book cost of security in security currency
- marketPriceSec: required(number)
Market price in security currency
- marketValueSec: required(number)
The dirty market value in security currency
- marketValueGBP: required(number)
The dirty market value in GBP
- marketValueUSD: required(number)
The dirty market value in USD
- marketValueEUR: required(number)
The dirty market value in EUR
- marketValueBase: required(number)
The dirty market value in client base currency
- accruedInterestGBP: required(number)
Accrued intrest in GBP
- accruedInterestUSD: required(number)
Accrued intrest in USD
- accruedInterestEUR: required(number)
Accrued intrest in EUR
- accruedInterestBase: required(number)
Accrued intrest in clients base currency
- securityType: required(string)
Security type
- instrumentType: required(string)
Instrument type
- classification1: required(string)
First level of client specific security classifications
- classification2: (union of string or nil)
Second level of client specific security classifications
- classification3: (union of string or nil)
Thrid level of client specific security classifications
- custodyAccountNumber: required(string)
Custody account ID or unique identifier
- custodyAccountName: required(string)
Custody account name
- yield: required(number)
Yield of the security
- estimatedAnnualIncome: required(number)
Estimated annual income from the security
- fxRate: required(number)
Current FX rate used to covert security to base currency
"extractDate": "2019-02-26T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith",
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"accountNumber": "100100",
"accountName": "Paul Smith Trust",
"accountType": "Trust",
"securityId": 42185,
"securityCCY": "GBP",
"ISIN": "IE00B4WXJK79",
"quantity": 3074,
"bookCostBase": 409492.57,
"bookCostGBP": 409492.57,
"bookCostEUR": 542536.705993,
"bookCostUSD": 477208.30883805,
"bookCostSec": 409492.57,
"marketPriceSec": 132.575,
"marketValueSec": 407535.55,
"marketValueGBP": 407535.55,
"marketValueUSD": 539943.850195,
"marketValueEUR": 474927.66622575,
"marketValueBase": 407535.55,
"accruedInterestGBP": 0,
"accruedInterestUSD": 0,
"accruedInterestEUR": 0,
"accruedInterestBase": 0,
"securityType": "OEIC 0dp",
"instrumentType": "Fund",
"classification1": "Fixed Income",
"classification2": "United Kingdom",
"classification3": null,
"custodyAccountNumber": "98765432",
"custodyAccountName": "MIS CUST ABC BNY",
"yield": 0.88,
"estimatedAnnualIncome": 3603.021798,
"fxRate": 1
"extractDate": "2019-02-26T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith",
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"accountNumber": "1002746",
"accountName": "Paul Smith Trust",
"accountType": "Trust",
"securityId": 3044,
"securityName": "SMITH CAPITAL FUND II LP",
"securityCCY": "GBP",
"ISIN": "PAS000007199",
"SEDOL": "IMW0071",
"quantity": 90000,
"bookCostBase": 9246.45,
"bookCostGBP": 9246.45,
"bookCostEUR": 12250.621605,
"bookCostUSD": 10775.489204250001,
"bookCostSec": 9246.45,
"marketPriceSec": 0.468276,
"marketValueSec": 42144.84,
"marketValueGBP": 42144.84,
"marketValueUSD": 55837.698516,
"marketValueEUR": 49114.121466599994,
"marketValueBase": 42144.84,
"accruedInterestGBP": 0,
"accruedInterestUSD": 0,
"accruedInterestEUR": 0,
"accruedInterestBase": 0,
"securityType": "Equity",
"instrumentType": "Equity",
"classification1": "Real Estate",
"classification2": "United Kingdom",
"classification3": null,
"custodyAccountNumber": "112233",
"custodyAccountName": "ABC Record Keeping Only",
"yield": 0,
"estimatedAnnualIncome": 0,
"fxRate": 1
All calls relating to investment accounts
Search for investment accounts by name
Search for investment accounts by name
get /Investment/Account
Search for investment accounts by name
Query Parameters
- searchTerm: required(string)
The text to look for in the account name.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of InvestmentAccount
Items: Investment Account
- accountId: required(integer)
The internal Multrees Investment account ID
- accountNumber: required(string)
The Investment Account Number
- accountName: required(string)
The investment account name.
- accountType: required(string)
The account type
- accountStatus: required(string)
The account Status (e.g. Active or closed)
"accountId": 111234,
"accountNumber": "111234",
"accountName": "Paul Smith ISA",
"accountType": "ISA",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
"accountId": 12345,
"accountNumber": "1012345",
"accountName": "Paul Smith",
"accountType": "Individual",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
Search for a single investment account by its Id.
Search for a single investment account by its Id.
get /Investment/Accounts/{id}
Search for a single investment account by its Id.
URI Parameters
- id: required(integer)
The invtesment account Id you are trying to retrieve
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of InvestmentAccount
Items: Investment Account
- accountId: required(integer)
The internal Multrees Investment account ID
- accountNumber: required(string)
The Investment Account Number
- accountName: required(string)
The investment account name.
- accountType: required(string)
The account type
- accountStatus: required(string)
The account Status (e.g. Active or closed)
"accountId": 12345,
"accountNumber": "1012345",
"accountName": "Paul Smith",
"accountType": "Individual",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
Returns all investment transactions relating to an Entity. By default the last 30 days of transactions will be returned unless a to and from date are specified. To and From dates are inclusive.
Retrieve all investment transactions
get /Investment/Transaction
Retrieve all investment transactions
Query Parameters
- LEVEL: required(one of ACCOUNT, GROUP, CUSTOMER)
Defines which level the request is being made at
- filter: required(string)
The ID of the entity you are looking for
- from: (datetime)
Optionally set the start date.
- to: (datetime)
Optionally set the end date.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of InvestmentTransaction
Items: Investment Transactions
- EntityType: required(string)
The type of entity being searched for
- EntityId: required(string)
The Id of the entity being searched for.
- EntityName: required(string)
The name of the entity being searched for.
- investmentTransactionId: required(integer)
The unique transaction ID.
- investmentAccountNumber: required(string)
The investment account number
- investmentAccountName: required(string)
The name of the investment account.
- securityId: required(integer)
Security ID or unique identifier
- securityName: required(string)
Security name
- ISIN: required(string)
- SEDOL: required(string)
- transactionType: required(string)
The type of transaction
- transactionDate: required(datetime)
Date and time of transaction
- settlementDate: required(datetime)
Date and time transaction was settled
- quantity: required(number)
Nominal of transaction
- securityCurrency: required(string)
The local security price currency
- priceSecCurrency: required(number)
Price in security currency
- settlementCurrency: required(string)
The settlement currency
- settlementAmount: required(number)
Transaction amount in settlement currency.
- grossAmountInSettlementCurrency: required(number)
Gross amount in settlement currency
- tradeCurrency: required(string)
Currency of transaction
- settlementAmountInTradeCurrency: required(number)
Settlement amount in traded currency
- grossAmountInTradeCurrency: required(number)
Gross amount in traded currency
- baseCurrency: required(string)
Base currency of transaction
- settlementAmountInBaseCurrency: required(number)
Settlement amount in base currency
- grossAmountInBaseCurrency: required(number)
Gross amount in base currency
- custodyAccountNumber: required(string)
Custody account number
- tradeStatus: required(string)
Status of the transaction
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "Smith, Paul",
"investmentTransactionId": 1889752,
"investmentAccountNumber": "111000",
"investmentAccountName": "Paul Smith",
"securityId": 194283,
"securityName": "SERAPHIM SPACE LP",
"ISIN": "ZZ0000001058",
"SEDOL": "Z001058",
"transactionType": "BC Increase",
"transactionDate": "2019-01-09T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"settlementDate": "2019-01-09T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"quantity": 0,
"securityCurrency": "GBP",
"priceSecCurrency": 0,
"settlementCurrency": "GBP",
"settlementAmount": 0,
"grossAmountInSettlementCurrency": 0,
"tradeCurrency": "GBP",
"settlementAmountInTradeCurrency": 0,
"grossAmountInTradeCurrency": 0,
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"settlementAmountInBaseCurrency": 0,
"grossAmountInBaseCurrency": 0,
"custodyAccountNumber": "MIS Nominees ABCOFFSHORE",
"tradeStatus": "Settled"
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityId": "12345",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith",
"investmentTransactionId": 1910645,
"investmentAccountNumber": "1103203",
"investmentAccountName": "Paul Smith",
"securityId": 113894,
"ISIN": "LU0769027045",
"SEDOL": "4JDP4P4",
"transactionType": "Sell",
"transactionDate": "2019-01-29T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"settlementDate": "2019-02-05T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"quantity": -174.856,
"securityCurrency": "GBP",
"priceSecCurrency": 130.02,
"settlementCurrency": "GBP",
"settlementAmount": 22734.78,
"grossAmountInSettlementCurrency": 22734.78,
"tradeCurrency": "GBP",
"settlementAmountInTradeCurrency": 22734.78,
"grossAmountInTradeCurrency": 22734.78,
"baseCurrency": "GBP",
"settlementAmountInBaseCurrency": 22734.78,
"grossAmountInBaseCurrency": 22734.78,
"custodyAccountNumber": "MIS Nominees ABCOFFSHORE",
"tradeStatus": "Settled"
All calls relation to performance
Retrieve all performance for a specific entity.
get /Performance
Retrieve all performance for a specific entity.
Query Parameters
Defines which level the request is being made at
- filterId: required(integer)
The Id of the entity to search for
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of Performance
- BrandCD: required(string)
Client's FI Code
- EntityType: required(string)
The level the data is at (ACCOUNT, GROUP or CUSTOMER).
- EntityID: required(string)
The ID of the entity.
- EntityName: required(string)
The name of the entity that has been returned
- YTD: required(number)
Year to date performance to close of business yesterday.
- ThreeMonths: required(number)
3 month performance to the end of the last quarter
- SixMonths: required(number)
6 month performance to the end of the last quarter
- OneYear: required(number)
1 year performance to the end of the last quarter
- ThreeYears: required(number)
3 year performance to the end of the last quarter
- FiveYears: required(number)
5 year performance to the end of the last quarter
- SinceInception: required(number)
Since Inception performance to close of business yesterday.
- AnnualisedReturn: required(number)
Annualised return to close of business yesterday.
- InceptionDate: required(datetime)
The inception date.
- Year1: required(number)
1 year performance for previous year (e.g. 2018 performance in 2019)
- Year2: required(number)
1 year performance for two years ago (e.g. 2017 performance in 2019)
- Year3: required(number)
1 year performance for three years ago (e.g. 2016 performance in 2019)
- Year4: required(number)
1 year performance for four years ago (e.g. 2015 performance in 2019)
- Year5: required(number)
1 year performance for five years ago (e.g. 2014 performance in 2019)
- YTDQE: required(number)
Year to Date performance to end of last quarter
- SinceInceptionQE: required(number)
Since Inception performance to end of last quarter
- AnnualisedReturnQE: required(number)
Annualised return to end of last quarter
"BrandCD": "ABC",
"EntityType": "ACCOUNT",
"EntityID": "12345",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith Trust",
"YTD": 6.56353076,
"ThreeMonths": -6.6052,
"SixMonths": -5.4471,
"OneYear": -4.788,
"ThreeYears": 2.4024,
"FiveYears": 22.6431,
"SinceInception": 501.40735544,
"AnnualisedReturn": 25.44127619,
"InceptionDate": "2011-02-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"Year1": 4.5544,
"Year2": 2.868,
"Year3": 8.3377,
"Year4": 10.5546,
"Year5": 6.3097,
"YTDQE": -4.788,
"SinceInceptionQE": 39.4281,
"AnnualisedReturnQE": 4.288704119964
"BrandCD": "ABC",
"EntityType": "GROUP",
"EntityID": "123456",
"EntityName": "Paul Smith",
"YTD": 6.56353076,
"ThreeMonths": -6.6052,
"SixMonths": -5.4471,
"OneYear": -4.788,
"ThreeYears": 2.4024,
"FiveYears": 22.6431,
"SinceInception": 501.40735544,
"AnnualisedReturn": 25.44127619,
"InceptionDate": "2011-02-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"Year1": 4.5544,
"Year2": 2.868,
"Year3": 8.3377,
"Year4": 10.5546,
"Year5": 6.3097,
"YTDQE": -4.788,
"SinceInceptionQE": 39.4281,
"AnnualisedReturnQE": 4.288704119964